Common Crestron Issues: Underpowered Systems


In previous entries, we have discussed a variety of the issues we uncover when working on Crestron automation systems. Complex systems can be undone by something as simple as a poorly run wire, or something more chronic such as an overloaded system. Today we will be talking about another common problem found in Creston automation systems, inadequately powered devices. 

Simply put, It is not possible to communicate effectively to a device if the device is not there to listen.  

If a component part is not receiving the proper amount of power, it won’t function – not because the device itself is bad, but because it was not given enough food to stay alive.  

Many remotely located control system devices are powered by the same control wire that is responsible for communication.  We’ve found a common failure of other integrators  is to not provide enough power for all devices in a control system wire chain. This often leads to a malfunction of those devices at the end of a loop or for those devices that require the most power.  

Despite its prevalence, this is an easily remedied issue. There are power supplies of different ratings that can be placed at the core, mid-span power supplies that can be placed on the cable plant, and end of line power supplies that can be placed at the remotely located device.  When other integrators fail it is normally due them not properly calculating control system power load and thus not taking the correct action to properly build out the system’s power requirements.

GMI understands what level of power nourishment is needed by each and every part of the control system.  We design and build our systems in such a way that each device is fed the proper amount of power, which means each piece of equipment is ready to communicate and function properly when called upon to do so.

In addition to our ground level protections against underpowered systems, we often take the extra step of installing proactive monitoring systems. These systems will, among other things, keep track of each individual component’s power demands. This back end monitoring notifies us of any device failure, and can also be programmed to identify negative trends. This means that if the power of a system component begins to drift below acceptable levels we can address the problem before it grows into a total system failure.

Is your Crestron system prone to failure or otherwise not living up to expectations? Underpowered devices could be the culprit.

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