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Author: GMI Automation

The Truly Energy Efficient Home

It’s hard to get away from the idea of energy efficiency and conservation in the modern home. With the rapid expanse of technology in the energy sector, consumers and homeowners are presented with new ways to “go green” on a daily basis. Developers and home technologists alike have responded by striving to build more energy efficient homes and incorporating the latest technology.

There’s no shortage of options on the market that claim to increase energy efficiency at the press of a button. Everything from “smart” thermostats to wi-fi light bulbs offer the promise of a smaller carbon footprint in your home. While these technologies allows you to control and monitor your home remotely, and respond to certain cues to help reduce your energy consumption, they still rely on end user management. With GMI’s concierge level service, we take steps to ensure your system is working behind the scenes for a fully energy efficient home, without you having to think twice.  

We integrate thermostats directly into standard residential HVAC systems using industry standard wiring, and back to a Crestron control system processor for integrated control. The control system automatically adjusts temperature settings, enabling energy savings. The integrated security devices in your Crestron control system can even be programmed to send a signal to adjust your environmental systems to an energy efficient level when the home is unoccupied.

Automating your home’s energy use is not just programming components to adjust based on occupancy and schedules. Integrated lighting solutions achieve significant energy savings with fixed or flexible daylight harvesting, and advanced scheduling based on ambient light levels, season, time, occupancy, temperature, humidity and other conditions.

When tied into a high-level control system, shades are more than simply privacy measures. Shade systems can be automated in many of the same ways lighting can, such as season, time or actual ambient light levels. Automating your shades will also allow them to block direct sunlight, minimize glare and reduce air conditioning use, as well as use the direct sunlight to enhance heating system efficiency. Interfaces to shade motors provide true feedback to panels, indicating shade position in a bar graph or percentage gauge. Shades can be manually controlled via a graphical slider on the touchpanel or automated to adjust to the sun’s position.

It is for all of these reasons  and more that a DIY “smart” energy management system simply does not stand up to a truly automated home. By building clean and reliable automating systems according to lifestyle, and automatically managing corresponding sub-systems based on time of day, occupancy, and other environmental conditions, GMI makes your life and home greener.

Common Crestron Issues: Over Promising and Over Designing

In the years since we started GMI Automation we have seen many Crestron systems deployed by other integrators fail to live up to the expectations of the end user. As we’ve discussed in this blog these issues could be anything from improper coding to inadequate wiring and everything in between. Sadly, more often than not, the failure arises before an engineer has even arrived on the job site and before a single line of code has been written.

Be it lack of knowledge of a job’s true scope, or a misunderstanding of the capabilities of the control component itself, many Crestron systems fail to deliver the desired effect because the integrator fails to properly consult the customer and in turn design the system properly. This lack of proper consultation can take many forms and today we will be discussing two of the most prevalent – Over promising features that are beyond the integrators capabilities, and over designing a system beyond the customer’s true needs.

Over promising and under delivering is unfortunately an all too common issue throughout the service industry. Vendors and contractors will frequently promise their customers an experience that they simply cannot provide, leading to disappointed and unhappy clients.  In the world of Crestron automation, this typically takes the form of saying “yes” to all of a customer’s requests, regardless of an integrator’s experience level. 

Typically customers will go into a consultation having certain ideas about what a Crestron system is capable of, and it is the automation professional’s job to be honest with the customer about their own capabilities. It is important to dig deeper and find out what the customer might not want, as well as to be honest when a request is beyond their capabilities, possibly necessitating additional vendors on the site.

Over-designing Crestron control system is another common issue for integrators. Crestron systems are so powerful and customizable that they are capable of almost anything. This makes it very tempting to over design a system in the early stages.  Inexperienced integrators will often ignore a customer’s needs in favor of designing a system, that while powerful, is beyond the customer’s needs. Adding this level of unneeded complexity can leave a client without the knowledge and confidence they need to use the system to their desired level, and potentially can cause a customer to ignore their system entirely.

GMI takes care to adequately consult our customers on the scope of the project, taking their needs and concerns into account. We aren’t afraid to use our expertise and ask second level questions about how the system will be used and by whom. This allows us to listen and attune ourselves to what the client requires before designing just another out-of-the-box, overly complicated automation system.

5 Reasons Why Clean Installs are Critical for Automation Systems

There are many factors to consider when selecting the automation vendor for your home or office. Integrators throughout the industry will often show off their flashy finished products, with beautifully designed Crestron components and stunning 4K displays. However, before you select a vendor for your automation project, it’s vital that you pull back the curtain and make sure that vendor’s systems look just as good behind the scenes as they do for the end user. This is why the #DoneRightNotEasyCrew have put together 5 reasons why a clean install environment is critical for a properly run automation system.

1) A Clean Environment is a Safe Environment

Even though integrators work with mostly low voltage wiring, it is important not to forget that we are continuously working around high voltage wires. Most control equipment that requires power use either 120 volts directly to the component, or require an adapter to reduce voltage to a manageable level. An integrator must carefully consider the amount of power required as well as the the space needed for the equipment they may be installing. A truly “clean” environment  is achieved by providing adequate space, ventilation, and properly secured wire management for all electronics, as well as enough space for the field technicians who will be servicing the equipment. A tight work space or improperly managed wiring within that workspace may result in damage to the equipment, the wiring, and even injury to the technician.

2) A Clean Installation Is an Impressive Installation.

Although everyone tends to mostly focus on the end user experience of an automation system, a clean installation will never go unnoticed. The interface and functionality may be the most impressive feature for the end user, but a clean install will show respect for the client’s’ home or office, as well as provide an excellent marketing tool when properly displayed. It is important to remember that when we do work for a client we are utilizing their space, not ours. This makes it all the more important to leave a lasting impression of your work, even behind the scenes.

3) A Clean Installation Makes for an Easily Serviceable System. 

No matter how well built a control system may be, there will come a time when it needs service, or even an upgrade. If a system is installed in a messy or haphazard manner, the task of even a simple repair can spread over days or even weeks.When a system is properly installed with a clean environment conducive to upgrade and repair, any needed work on the system will require significantly less time and man power, resulting in a more cost effective job. Properly built control systems are also designed to be upgraded and expanded as new technology is released and as clients’ needs change. 

4) A Clean Installation is a Respected Installation. 

The high-end automation and control industry isn’t for the feint of heart. Earning the respect of your peers and fellow integrators is one of the toughest challenges we face as professionals. Providing a clean installation time and time again, displays pride in your work and consistency on the what you can deliver. This trend is mostly noticed by the industry itself and will be the driving force of your success. Furthermore, this respect will carry over into valuable client relationships with builders and developers, which can bring additional business into your firm.

5)  A Clean Installation is a Proper Installation.

Simply put, installing control systems in a clean and efficient manner is the only way they should be installed. There is no other route to a completed project, a happy client, and a successful integration than by way of a proper installation. When an automation system is properly installed, it is serviceable, dependable, and a testament to your determination to succeed and deliver above and beyond what your client expects.

Are you looking for an integrator who understands what goes into making Crestron control systems run efficiently every time? Look no further and contact us today for a consultation. 

Integrated Video and the Connected Office

Since the release of the first iPhone back in 2007, the prevalence of live video, 24/7 content and remote collaboration in our lives has changed the business landscape in ways we could not have imagined. Despite this fact, many offices throughout the country lack the necessary technology to adequately compete in today’s modern economy. We’ve already discussed in this blog how financial institutions use automation to stay ahead of SEC compliance. Today we will be talking about how distributed content and video conferencing can help you and your business stay ahead of the curve.

Distributed Content

The ability to for you and your employees stay up-to-date with a rapidly changing world, simply put, could drastically affect your bottom line. Using Crestron Control systems, audio and 4K video content can be distributed to an unlimited number of HD displays throughout your office. This provides you and your team the tools to stay up to the minute with information relevant to your industry, which allows you to make more informed business decisions.

One of the ways we bring this distributed content to the next level, especially in the financial industry, is through our one of a kind trader desk audio solution. This tool gives every trader or analyst in your financial firm access to tune into any potential audio/video source in the office utilizing a desktop screen with speaker and built-in headphone jack. This means everything from tuning into the latest financial news on Bloomberg Television to collaborating with other team members on a project without having to step away from their terminal.

Video Conferencing

Thanks to advances in technology, the live video experience is becoming increasingly seamless, and continues to enable employees to communicate in a much more effective way.

Leveraging our relationships with video conference software leaders, as well as ClearOne video conferencing products, GMI is able to integrate the latest and greatest live video technology directly into a Creston Control system for distribution throughout your office. This allows for face-to-face remote meetings from any room or desk in your office. Psychologists argue that face-to-face communication helps to ‘sync’ our brains, and live video conferencing makes that connection possible by overcoming the distance barrier and allowing for a truly collaborative environment.

Taking such a quantum leap in your office technology is not without natural fear factor for managers and employees alike. This is where GMI separates ourselves from the competition. We make sure that every member of your team has the knowledge and confidence they need to use the system to their desired level. No matter the complexity of a control system we work to make it’s use second nature, making it manageable for all the end users.

The Truth About Concierge Level Service

Selecting the right vendor for any project in your home can be a difficult task. Often times contractors and home professionals will make promises about their services that they simply do not, or can not, keep. Our knowledge of this all too common issue is why GMI Automation and the #DoneRightNotEasy crew make it part of our culture to deliver above and beyond our customer’s expectations at every turn. Of course, this concierge level service does not come easy and takes effort and coordination at every level of the job in order to be done effectively. 

Being a ‘Five Star’ dealer and delivering a quality product is not a simple task. It means working with the customer and meeting their needs at every step of the way. To do this you must manage every aspect of a project from the initial consultation to the final finished package and beyond. There are hundreds of Crestron dealers throughout the country who do quality work and build quality systems, but it takes hitting your mark at every turn to truly shine beyond just the technology you install.

As with all successful projects, our installations begin with a customer consultation. During this process, we take care to design the system with every end user in mind.  This includes every family member in a home or every employee in an office environment. The most difficult aspect of this step is that oftentimes the customer will not be able to articulate the specifics of their needs.  It is important that we have the patience to listen and attune ourselves to what the client requires before designing just another out-of-the-box automation system. Utilizing the crystal ball of our combined decades of experience, we granularly look through the upcoming project to make sure the outcome is correct for our customer.

Once the consultation phase is complete and the system has been built out on paper, the real fun begins. 

Our philosophy of complete concierge service extends to every job site we touch and every vendor we work alongside. 

Automation and integration is not a single discipline. It is mastered through understanding every aspect of the job site not limited to electrical, HVAC, Audio/Video and even landscaping. All trades fall under our purview when going above and beyond for our clients.

We often find ourselves inspiring the vendors we work with to elevate their service as well to a truly five-star experience. This is due to the fact that no matter what vendor is used, if their equipment touches the automation system, we take control and become the full technologist. For example, at a recently completed job we integrated a state of the art golf simulator into the client’s Crestron system, and even though the simulation company sold the equipment, we took responsibility for the programming and service for any issues that might arise.

Concierge level service is beyond just physical technology. This is why before leaving the job site and completing a project, we make sure that the customer has the knowledge and confidence they need to use the system to their desired level. No matter the complexity of a control system we strive to make it’s use as second nature as flicking a light switch. We take the fear out of the automation system to make it manageable for all the end users, since in the end it is their experience that matters most.

Leaving a customer with a luxury automation system with no service to back them up is like giving them a Ferrari without access to a seasoned mechanic. Even after we step off a job site we continue to serve our customers at the highest level. This includes proactive monitoring of their system to ensure we can stop issues before they happen; and the ability to remotely access the system and address issues regardless of how far away we are from the physical location.

These are just some of the ways GMI Automation takes quality to another level with our complete Concierge Level Service.

Security: The Missing Link to True Automation – Part 2

In part one of our feature we discussed how security systems can integrate directly into Crestron control systems and how they can be used to trigger events for a truly automated home. Today we will continue to explore this topic and the advantages to bringing the entire control of your home under one platform.

Security systems typically are powered and operated by keypads that allow you to arm and disarm the system. These keypads or panels are normally placed on the internal walls near to the entry points of the home. Crestron control systems are also operated using touch screen interfaces and configurable lighting keypads that are most often located at these same entry points.  When your security system is integrated into your Crestron control system, one of these wall mounted devices can go away. This allows you to maintain a sleek look throughout your home, as Crestron panels are designed to be aesthetically pleasing and standard alarm panels are usually clunky eyesores that look out of place in a high-end luxury home.

The Crestron control system has the ability to present a security keypad on a specific page of its touchscreen interface as well as allow basic security commands to be sent from any lighting keypad. This means that the number of security system keypads can be reduced in areas of the home where a Crestron control interface resides, thus freeing up space on your walls and providing a much more aesthetically pleasing overall appearance to the room.

When you integrate your security system with your Crestron control system, you no longer have to worry about whether your home is protected, regardless of where you are in the world.

One of the great benefits of using Crestron control systems is that the associated mobile apps allow you to control your home remotely from your smartphone or device. This functionality gives you the ability to control your lights, thermostats, audio/video, and other systems even when you are not physically in your home. When your security system is integrated into your Crestron control system, you are given the power to control it remotely directly from your device, even using the same Crestron mobile app. This eliminates the need to jump back and forth between several different apps and brings the control of your home entirely under one proverbial roof.

These benefits are merely scratching the surface of how integrating your security devices directly into your Crestron control system brings the luxury of true home automation. Of course with the experience of the Done Right Not Easy Crew, the functionality of your Crestron control system is virtually limitless, and is only bound by your needs, preferences, and imagination.

Security: The Missing Link to True Automation – Part 1

Many professional integrators will claim to be able to fully automate your home, however, they will oftentimes install and program a Crestron automation system and leave the security of the home to an entirely different vendor. GMI integrates security and automation with all of our Crestron systems. There are many advantages to having a properly installed security system integrated to your Crestron control system, and today we will be discussing how the ability to trigger automated commands based upon security system events helps lead to a truly automated home.

When a home is outfitted with a security system, it typically contains an extensive number of devices that monitor activity in and around the house. The primary types of devices used are door contacts, which communicate when a door is open or closed; and motion detectors, which can tell if someone is inside a given room. Another aspect of most security systems is being able to tell if a home is occupied based on the arming state of the system. That is to say that if a system is armed as “away” it likely means that no one is in the home.

This constant monitoring of your home is how a security system becomes the missing link to true automation with a Crestron control system. With some creative programming at the hands of the Done Right Not Easy Crew, you can utilize these security devices, and arming states, in order to trigger events within the automation system itself.

The door and window contacts can be set to trigger any number of events throughout your Crestron automated home. For instance, if your Crestron controlled shades are down in front of a door that is opened from the outside, the Crestron system can be told by the security system to raise the shade to allow entry. When the door closes the shade can be told to automatically lower again. The action of opening a door can even tell your Crestron system to play a specific playlist or set the lights to a certain level. This is true automation beyond what many other integrators will be able to provide.

Knowledge of the occupancy of your home or a specific room is another powerful way that integrating security devices into your Crestron system is the key to true automation.

Using a motion detector to know if a room is empty for a certain amount of time, it can send a signal to the Crestron control system to turn off the lights in the room. Arming your security system to away can be programmed to send a signal to the Crestron control system to turn off all the lights, music, and video devices and even connect with your HVAC system to adjust the temperature for an empty home.

You can even set your automation up to an individual level. When your system is disarmed upon arriving home, you can have Crestron set up any number of preset lighting scenes or events down to the preference of the individual user and triggered by their alarm code. This adds an additional layer of security for guests or hired help as well, and when coupled with an access control system you can ensure that only those individuals you choose will have access to your Crestron automation.

Case Study: New Jersey Conference Room Audio Repair

We recently highlighted how we use our expertise and experience to effectively take over problematic Crestron systems. Today we will take a closer look at a financial firm in New Jersey and how we solved the ongoing issues with their automated video conferencing and audio system.

Some background on this project, a few years ago we were bidding on a project to design and build an automated video conferencing system for a financial firm near our location in Short Hills, New Jersey. After going through the bid process, we lost the job to a company who was charging significantly less for the work. While we never like to lose a job, we did not judge the client for their decision and moved on to the other jobs in our queue.

Fast forward to now, we received a call from the same company, asking us to come diagnose some issues they were having with their Crestron system that the installing company could not figure out. Our first step, of course, was to find out from the client how they are being affected by the problem. They were not able to use their ClearOne video conferencing system without a constant popping or hissing sound out of the integrated audio, they also could not tell when an individual microphone was muted or not, causing confusion during calls. Basically, the system wasn’t doing the job effectively despite having the potential to do what it needed to do.

To solve the problem we started at the beginning, which for us is to examine the existing system and learn how it was put together, followed by an overhaul of the system’s wiring to ensure that all wiring is run cleanly, correctly and with proper terminations. One of the biggest points of failure in this system was the use of low-quality wire in between the components, we replaced this with a higher quality of cleanly installed XLR wiring to increase the audio quality during the conference calls, where everyone needs to be clearly understood as well as clearly understand what is being said. To solve the microphone issue we engineered a hardware solution for the tabletop microphones. This was simply installing a small LED light box on each microphone with a red and green light toggle to indicate when the microphones were muted or when they were not. Once all of these steps were completed, we fully balanced the audio to work with the acoustics of the existing room, leaving a fully functional system that exceeded our client’s expectations.

The most important part of this story is that we were able to solve the customer’s issues without installing and new hardware, using entirely pre-existing ClearOne and Crestron components. We were able to do this by leveraging our relationship with ClearOne, who helped us do significant coding and firmware updates for the video conferencing system. Unlike GMI, some integrators do not use the support that they have to provide the best service in the quickest amount of time with the least amount of resistance.

In any industry, it is important to be cost effective in what you do. Though the fact remains, if you don’t understand the proper amount of labor and time required to make sure a project is completed the right way and not the easy way, you will fail.  When you try to cut corners to meet a deadline, you shoot yourself in the foot and by the time you get to the end of the project it’s too late. There are so many points and little parts of a system that can go wrong that need to be done correctly the first time and taking shortcuts when expectations are this high is only going to cause trouble for you and your clients. It just goes to show, that in the world of high-end automation, you get what you pay for.

Common Crestron Issues: Underpowered Systems

In previous entries, we have discussed a variety of the issues we uncover when working on Crestron automation systems. Complex systems can be undone by something as simple as a poorly run wire, or something more chronic such as an overloaded system. Today we will be talking about another common problem found in Creston automation systems, inadequately powered devices. 

Simply put, It is not possible to communicate effectively to a device if the device is not there to listen.  

If a component part is not receiving the proper amount of power, it won’t function – not because the device itself is bad, but because it was not given enough food to stay alive.  

Many remotely located control system devices are powered by the same control wire that is responsible for communication.  We’ve found a common failure of other integrators  is to not provide enough power for all devices in a control system wire chain. This often leads to a malfunction of those devices at the end of a loop or for those devices that require the most power.  

Despite its prevalence, this is an easily remedied issue. There are power supplies of different ratings that can be placed at the core, mid-span power supplies that can be placed on the cable plant, and end of line power supplies that can be placed at the remotely located device.  When other integrators fail it is normally due them not properly calculating control system power load and thus not taking the correct action to properly build out the system’s power requirements.

GMI understands what level of power nourishment is needed by each and every part of the control system.  We design and build our systems in such a way that each device is fed the proper amount of power, which means each piece of equipment is ready to communicate and function properly when called upon to do so.

In addition to our ground level protections against underpowered systems, we often take the extra step of installing proactive monitoring systems. These systems will, among other things, keep track of each individual component’s power demands. This back end monitoring notifies us of any device failure, and can also be programmed to identify negative trends. This means that if the power of a system component begins to drift below acceptable levels we can address the problem before it grows into a total system failure.

Is your Crestron system prone to failure or otherwise not living up to expectations? Underpowered devices could be the culprit.