3 Ways GMI Brings Value to Your Automated Home


When a prospective client contacts us for a consultation, we know that they have been seeking out home automation solutions from a variety of sources. The fact is that there are many integration companies out there, each with their own levels of expertise. We understand this, which is why we make it our mission to go above and beyond the typical integration company and create reliable and intuitive automation systems designed to simplify the lives of the people who use them. One of the most important ways we do this is by providing value at every step of our process.

Below are three ways that GMI Automation and the #DoneRightNotEasy crew bring value above and beyond a traditional integration company.

Going Deeper

As we’ve discussed previously in this blog, many Crestron systems fail to deliver the desired effect because the integrator fails to properly consult the customer and in turn design the system properly. GMI takes care to adequately consult our customers on the scope of the project, taking their needs and concerns into account. The value of our work comes from our honesty about the real costs and benefits of the products we will be using in our clients’ systems as well as making sure they have an understanding of exactly what we are putting in their home.

When we take time to ask second level questions about how our clients will be using their systems, we uncover issues and needs that other integrators never will. An inexperienced integrator may also ignore the customer entirely and simply install a cookie-cutter system that is not specifically tailored to the end user, delivering value above and beyond the just the costs of equipment and labor.

Simplifying the Job Site

Along with the routines and responsibilities of everyday life, having multiple vendors and workers in and out of your home can be a stressful situation. When you hire an integration company their work will inevitably touch every part of the home, and with that reach comes responsibility to effectively manage the site at large. This is why we work closely with all of the other professionals on a job site to ensure they are maintaining a level of integrity and excellence, not limiting this too the parts of their work that the automation system interacts with. Our clients have trusted us with simplifying their lives, and our value is created by making the installation process as stress free and streamlined as possible.

Customization and Service

Almost any integrator can acquire and install the equipment needed for a full home automation system, but it takes the right team to turn this into an automation experience the end user can enjoy free of problems. Take for example our distributed audio systems, while high end speakers can be installed, left alone and still sound great, the #DoneRightNotEasy crew shows our value by specifically calibrating every speaker to it’s space.

Providing a customer with a high end automation system with no service to back them up is like leaving a NASCAR driver without his pit crew. Even after we step off a jobsite we continue to bring value to our customers at the highest level. This includes proactive monitoring of their system to ensure we can stop issues before they happen; and the ability to remotely access the system and address issues regardless of how far away we are from the physical location. Just one of the many reasons why we continue to service every customer we have, including our first, and there simply are not many integration professionals who can make that claim.

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